Given Name:
Surname: Hitchcock
Gender: Male
Surname: Hitchcock
Gender: Male
PID | Date | Detail | Note | Place | Footnote |
46071 | 1 Feb 1724 | 52-65-6D-6F-76-61-6C-20-66-72-6F-6D-20-53-74-6F-6B-65-20-41-62-62-6F-74-74-20-74-6F-20-57-69-6D-62-6F-72-6E-65-20-4D-69-6E-73-74-65-72-2C-20-44-6F-72-73-65-74-2E | Stoke Abbott, Dorset, England | Stoke Abbott, Dorset, Overseers of the Poor, Removal Orders from the Parish, Dorset History Centre Series PE/STA/OV 3/3; digital images,, citing FHL microfilm 1595929, item number 74. |