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Name Gender Birth Year Birth Place
Pennell, William Male 1766
Pennell, Thomas Male 1768
Pence, Thomas Male 1819
Pence, Edward Male 1833 of Lyme Regis, Dorset, England
Pelly, Timothy Male 1793 of Poole St. James, Dorset, England
Pelly, Josiah Male 1789 Poole St. James, Dorset, England
Pelly, Edmund Male 1786 of Swanage (Isle of Purbeck), Dorset, England
Pelly, Mary Female 1776
Pelly, Sarah Female 1780
Pelly, Jane Female 1783
Pelley, John Male 1725 Nether Compton, Dorset, England
Pelley, John Male 1775
Peirce, Thomas Male 1672
Peekford, James Male 1783
Pearse alias Smith, Mary Female 1728 of Corscombe, Dorset, England
Pearse alias Smith, Christopher Male 1728 of Corscombe, Dorset, England
Pearse, Richard Male
Pearse, Marjery Female
Pearse, Mary Female 1767
Pearse, Ann Female 1767

Showing 224 to 4480 of 16401 Records

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